The New Technologies which is going to play the key Role in Future

The Future is going to be more developed that which is going to create a huge impact with the arrival of automation and new technologies. The Future Technology  is going to change the economy of entire world. Now Let us explore new technologies which is going to create huge buzz .


We all know entire world depends on internet , with in the time of 2030 we can expect billions of        people will use internet .

Artificial Intelligence
AI and user interfaces such as speech and gesture recognition technology will advance to increase productivity or eliminate some knowledge work altogether. 

 Virtual and augmented reality 
artificial, computer-generated simulation or recreation of a real life environment or situation. It immerses the user by making them feel like they are experiencing  primarily by stimulating their vision and hearing.

Cloud computing:
it is an information technology example, a model for enabling  access to computer networks,  servers, storage, applications and services which can be rapidly included that in which we can store huge amount of databases.

Internet of Things: billion devices are currently connected to the internet  number is estimated to grow between 50 billion to nearly 1 trillion in the next decade. Organizations will face monitoring and securing products, systems, devices and even people.

 it is a branch of engineering and future world. Every machine is a type of robot that which we use daily
.The world is not only for humans and with in few years we can see replacement of humans by robots i.e Automation.

Bio-metric technology 

A recent survey of security professionals revealed that 72 percent of companies are planning to drop traditional passwords by 2025. This will give rise to new authorization services for face, voice, eye, hand and signature identification.
3D printing3D printing could enable unprecedented levels of mass customization and dramatically reduce the cost of supply chains generating an estimated economic impact of$550 billion annually by 2025.

Block chain 

Block chain is best known in the context of virtual currency Bitcoin, but a recent report showed 64 different use cases of block chain across 200 companies. 

so please keep focusing on these latest growing technologies and select the best of future.
